Alex Barbera

Alex Barbera
Alex Barbera commented on: Baby Please Don't Go Melody and Rhythm Aug 10, 2013!! Baby please don't go!!! I used to play this song in standard tuning..Lightin Hopkins version...:))

I found this nice video with Muddy playin this tune...I like also how Mick Jagger is payin respect to him..Instead I'm surprised how Keith Richards and the other one aren't doin the same!...They walkin on the table and took immediately the guitar as it was given that they should be on the stage with the master...bah!

Alex Barbera
Alex Barbera commented on: 61 Highway Singing & Endings Aug 09, 2013

@Corey....grazie...Yes that riff came by accident like a kind of that days I was reviewing Catfish Blues and I  did it unconsciously. After I heard I thought by myself ... "well it does not sound so bad! Cool!!!" and I rearranged in such a way that made sense within the song. I love  when these things happen to me because at least I feel I have done something of my own instead of replicating something done by others. It is a passage that I miss now, apart from the technical discourse off course. About singing I always knew little. I have always focused on being tonato without actually ever notice that there is a groove in the singing,accents etc and in fact I really liked that you talked about it in the previous lessons. I like to take guitar lessons, but take singing lessons is something I've always desidered. Thank you for having added to the schedule of classes!

A presto :)


Alex Barbera
Alex Barbera commented on: 61 Highway Singing & Endings Aug 06, 2013's my feedback....hard list to sing and play the same time...thanks for the lesson...:)

Alex Barbera
Alex Barbera commented on: Everybody Ought To Change Lesson 4 Aug 04, 2013

Si è ne sono accorto anche io...avere la padronanza dell'indipendenza del pollice rispetto all'indice e il medio ti torna mooolto utile anche in altri generi....all'inizio secondo me è utile, oltre che studiare dei pezzi, fare degli esercizi di rete c'e ne dovrebbero essere diversi...l'importante è non avere fretta e fare gli esercizi molto lentamente...vedrai che i risultati arriveranno da soli! Catfish è un pezzo tosto se si è agli inizi e poi è uno dei masterpiece di Corey e di conseguenza lui ci tiene molto che venga fatto in una certa maniera.....secondo me per iniziare i pezzi meno ostici potrebbero essere  Running and Hiding , Jack o Diamonds per lo slide e Special Rider che non è assolutamente facile ma il fatto che sia in accordatura aperta e con delle posizioni sul manico "semplici" un pò aiuta..e poi ha delle sonorità pazzesche che ti fa venire molta voglia di studiare....per lo slide Corey spiega anche come impugnarlo..è molto importante..anche li, anni ed anni sbagliando, finchè qualcuno mi ha spiegato a dovere come fare...e ancora oggi c'e da lavorare...specie quando vado a suonare sulla seconda corda..insomma è un viaggio lungo ed affascinante...

se poi sei un chitarrista di blues elettrico...beh perchè non aprofittare anche delle lezioni di Duke? ;))) 

In bocca a hai bisogno puoi chiedermi il contatto su fb...:)

A presto


Alex Barbera
Alex Barbera commented on: Everybody Ought To Change Lesson 4 Aug 03, 2013

sorry guys...this time in's easier....


Ciao Claudio, io sono un chitarrista acustico ed appassionato del genere ben prima di iscrivermi a Sonic Junction. Quindi per me è sicuramente più facile stare dietro a Corey rispetto a te che vieni dal blues elettrico. L'unica cosa che ti posso dire è di fregartene della qualità dei video..nel senso..alla fine siamo qua per imparare e paradossalmente più errori ci sono e più è facile correggere cose che se nessuno ti fa notare te le porti dietro per anni...un pò come successo a me. e poi è proprio divertente....tanto non dobbiamo dimostrare niente a nessuno..non siamo sul palco, siamo in classe..anche se virtuale..Corey è un ottimo insegnante...nel senso che lui ha in generale l'attitudine all'insegnamento. E' stato in Africa per insegnare..non chitarra ovviamente...quindi è nella sua indole....E' molto esigente ma al tempo stesso c'e da farti una critica te la fa sempre in maniera costruttiva..e quando ti dice che hai fatto un buon lavoro è perchè l'hai fatto il buon lavoro...spesso gli americani tendono sempre a dirti "bravo"...Corey non è esattamente così...Se te lo dice (ed accade raramente) è perchè lo pensa...Se vieni dal blues elettrico all'inizio sarà molto dura per se mi posso permettere...non ti devi scoraggiare per questo...anzi devi essere uno stimolo....Vedrai che ti divertirai anche a registrare delle cazzate salvo poi leggere Corey ti suggerirei di......è tipico suo ed è molto divertente...


Se posso farti una domanda...come sei venuto a conoscenza del sito?

Alex Barbera
Alex Barbera commented on: 61 Highway Transition to B Section Aug 01, 2013

@Corey thanks....I'm still workin on it...I'll post a video soon

and..I could not post this video....unbelievable...8 yrs!! But the most amazing thing for me is that a child of only 8 yrs really like to play this music....less that a lot of afroamericans are forgettin the best part of their culture 

Alex Barbera
Alex Barbera commented on: 61 Highway Variations & Slide Technique Jul 30, 2013

@Corey...thanks for the feedbak in this and the others lessons :)

About the guitar...I've tried many different strings in this last period with different gauges too and I think that 0,12 is better. I like 0,13 but as I have only 12fret I can't tune 1 step down. I usually like D'Addario but in this guitar I prefer Gibson strings that usually are not, in my opinion, of good quality but with this tanglewood parlor guitar they sound good enough and they're 5 euros cheaper...I've heard also that the sound of the guitar change the more you play...after many years off course...and obviously wood...

I was wondering of which kind of wood is made your guitar. I went to the website of Luthier Gernandt hoping to find the information but there wasn't for a fantastic reason...He does the guitar according to the preferences of the customer. I only found the size. I'm going to write him an email to have an idea of what could be the price of a guitar "fatta su misura"

thank you again, as always! :))



Alex Barbera
Alex Barbera commented on: Catfish Blues Main Riff Jul 25, 2013

I'm glad there's another student from Italy...You will like SJ...for me it went really usefull take lessons from Corey...I improved a lot during the last 1 year and a recently he's giving us more information even about singin...

I look forward to see some of your videos here soon!!!




Alex Barbera
Alex Barbera commented on: 61 Highway Variations & Slide Technique Jul 23, 2013

@Corey..this feedback it's more about tryin to avoid the noise on the 2nd string....I've tried to hold the slide straight and oblique but I feel more comfortable the first way...hope to here you soon!

I've posted a video on the IV lesson of Catfish...I've even took a look to all our past lesson....thanks a lot for everything..I feeli like I improved a lot during this year...



Alex Barbera
Alex Barbera commented on: Catfish Blues Lesson 4 Jul 23, 2013

Corey...I reviewed this tune after a long time....even nice to go back and see the improvementes we all made here


Alex Barbera
Alex Barbera commented on: Catfish Blues Main Riff Jul 23, 2013

Hy Claudio,

are you from Italy like me?!?!!?!? I can see that you're wearing the Umbria Jazz shirt! :)

Alex Barbera
Alex Barbera commented on: 61 Highway Run-Through & Main Riff Jul 21, 2013

@Jd..I've missed a lot of preciuous time...didn't know before how usefull was tab and listen half speed to learn a song..if only I knew before :(( I'm using audacity....very powerfull...

I know sigma guitars!!!....yes, they're nice and cheap!!!! 

Take care


Alex Barbera
Alex Barbera commented on: 61 Highway Run-Through & Main Riff Jul 18, 2013 welcome here again!! I think everything went well if you are able to embrace again you're guitar! and I like it...I prefer the warmer sound of the acoustic guitar...which kind of guitar is that? me...I am always in that kind of strange period of change but in the blues I've started doing a thing that I found very usefull to learn...I've started tabbing songs that I already know and even some fingerpicking exercise...It's amazing how it works..I'm constrainged to get every notes and write it!!! I almost never use the function of half speed but I've just discovered that for example for me it's easier this way to work on the pronunciation...and listen Corey speakin half speed is also very funny as he looks like he's totally drunk!!!! :DDD

Alex Barbera
Alex Barbera commented on: 61 Highway Run-Through & Main Riff Jul 18, 2013

@Mike...thanks...yes it's true...I think this is part of the process...many lick are almost the same but with different groove and feeling....this is what really makes the's like when you the beginning everything is really hard, but later you can find a kind of logic in everything and then only something become more easier...

I always "go crazy" when I go to the 2nd string with the's so difficoult to be clean!!!

i wait for your video soon national cone in your resonator guitar, isn't it? ;)))

Alex Barbera
Alex Barbera commented on: 61 Highway Run-Through & Main Riff Jul 16, 2013

@Corey I now remember about our past conversation about puttin matchbox cover under the nut...This is what I should have done to have more action...instead I worked on the Trussroad off course understanding later that to solve the problem that is not the way...:DD Bad experience teaches more than good one!! 

I'll post another video soon...not very satisfied about the groove and still facing the same old problem about having a good sound on the 2nd string with slide!!



Alex Barbera
Alex Barbera commented on: 61 Highway Run-Through & Main Riff Jul 15, 2013

@Corey...sorry I've got a question for you if almost everybody know here on Sj Alex from Italy has bought a new parlor guitar...ahahaha..I like to make some auto irony...anyway...In your Bob Gernahrdt parlour do you have a quite hich action because you frequently use it even when you played slide??...mine had (as I modified it) a low action and was almost impossible to get some good sound  with this action...

Alex Barbera
Alex Barbera commented on: 61 Highway Run-Through & Main Riff Jul 14, 2013's my first feedback....those chokes are difficoult tryin to remain in time....

@Jd....nooooo...I'd like to see Moh as soon as possible, too!!!

Alex Barbera
Alex Barbera commented on: 61 Highway Run-Through & Main Riff Jul 11, 2013

@Corey...mercì.....this is such a cool tune to learn!

Here's a video of Corey playin this tune with the great Moh Kuyate, from Guinee

Alex Barbera
Alex Barbera commented on: Nobody's Business Endings Jul 10, 2013

@Corey...thanks...My personal feeling is that I haven't figuret it out ..I think the main feature of the tune is the ability to make variations (and you do it off course very well) otherwise it becomes boring . You can play bajarou 5 minutes without sounding monotous stayin in tempo, with a nice touch and warm maybe 30 seconds!!! :DD If you divide any singol variation they are not technically that mach complicated but them all together givin them a senso than it's hard...I mean...chockes, golpe on the body of the guitar (another thing very similar to flamenco players ;) and solos etc...but whateever you choose for me is have taste...I'd like to learn from you some reggae but this is not exacly the right place!!! :DD

For the parlour I'm quite satisfied but not at all...I mean that the first 2 strings doesn't have that warm and woody sound that I really like.... The wood should give a sweet sound...maybe I have to play it a lot so that the sound get better....another thing that is make me thinkin is that the neck is really narrow compared to the epiphone!!! Is this a pecurliarity of parlour guitar?? :)

Alex Barbera
Alex Barbera commented on: Nobody's Business Endings Jul 06, 2013

@Corey...Thanks for this series of Lessons...about tunes that I'd like to learn there's Bajarou...It's one of your fav as far as I understood!

By the way...I bought a new guitar!!! A parlour....all solid wood, cedar on top and mohogany back and sides! :)) Nice guitar..:)



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